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Ice Ice Baby

Have you seen groups of people in the winter taking the plunge into the icy cold lake? You probably thought “they’re crazy! I would never do that!” Though it may seem absurd, there are major benefits to submerging yourself in cold water. Even just spending the last 15 seconds of your shower under cold water has substantial health benefits. 

Overcoming fears
No matter how many times you end your shower with cold water, the next time you do it, there will be a little voice in the back of your head trying to convince you that today it’s not necessary. The thought of that cold jolt is enough to tempt you to turn the nozzle to warm just this once. However, you won’t listen… not this time. The more you overcome this fear and turn away from wanting to back down, the more that same action will spill over into other areas of your life. In what area(s) of your life do you need to face a fear right now?

Reduces inflammation and soreness 
Feeling a bit sore after doing 100 push-ups for time? Spending time under cold water will help remove lactic acid which builds up with exercise.

Energy and mood boost
Need a rush? Spending the last few moments of your shower under the cold will leave you feeling invigorating and ready to take on the day!

Builds mental toughness
Spending the last 15 seconds of your shower being uncomfortable and ensuring the cold, sets the tone for your day. It sets you up for being mentally prepared for the rest of your day. Over time, you will build confidence and strength in other areas of your life. You will be ready to take on the next challenge because you’ve already done one!

What should you do now that you know some of the benefits of cold showers or maybe you’re wondering how to get this habit started?

Very simple:

  1. Go to your bathroom.
  2. Take a shower like you usually do.
  3. Right before you’re ready to get out, turn off the hot water.
  4. Stand for as long as you can in the cold (maybe start at 5 seconds, then the next time add a little bit of time, and keep adding until you’re spending at least 15 seconds in the cold).
  5. Tell us how you did! We would love to hear your thoughts!


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