Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event



Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

12 mins

Option 1.

Rope Climb Skill Work

Option 2. (only if you have rope climbs)

4 rounds (one round every 3 minutes)

– 10 Strict Chin-ups

– 10/side 3 point plank row

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time

Option 1.

500m row

25 knees to elbow

25 back squats (135/95)

Option 2.

400m row

25 knees to waist

25 back squats (115/75)

Option 3.

250 m row

25 dragonflies

25 back squat (95/55)
20 minute hard cap


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