Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Valentines Day and Anniversary to THREE of our lovely Perpetual Ladies!!
Ana Harden and Val Welich have been with us for 1 year!! We can always count on you two to be in and bring a positive and motivating attitude!
Happy 2 year anniversary to Sarah Summers! Your hard work and motivation is inspiring!! You are a rock star both in and out of the gym!
Keep up the hard work ladies, and keep crushing WODS!!
Back Rack Lunge (3×10 (5/side))
*w/ :02 sec pause @ bottom of lunge
Metcon (Time)
For time:
50 KB Switch Lunges (52/35)
100 Russian KBS (52/35)
150 Single-leg V-ups
200 Double-unders
Option 2.
For time:
50 Switch Lunges
100 Russian KBS (35/26)
150 Scissor Kicks
200 Single-unders
Option 3.
For time:
50 Air Squats
100 Russian KBS (26/18)
150 Bicycle Crunches
100 Penguin Hops