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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

We have 2 Perpetual Birthdays today!!
Happy Birthday to Derek Drayer! You’re always so fun to have in class! We hope you have the best day today!!
Happy Birthday to Tiffany Wilson! You continue to inspire and amaze our athletes all the way from Columbus! Keep up the great work & have an amazing day!!

Also: Last chance to get exclusive t-shirts showing our gratitude to our heroes! You don’t wanna miss out on this one!!


4 Sets Each SuperSet Tabata Style (:20/:10) with :60 rest after the Cardio/Skill Movements

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

SuperSet 1

1. DB Fly

2. Push-Ups

3. Handstand Walk | Handstand Hold | Wall Climb Hold

4. Handstand Walk | Handstand Hold | Wall Climb Hold

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

SuperSet 2

1. Banded Tricep Pull Downs

2. DB Floor Press

3. Bolt Sprints

4. Bolt Sprints

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

SuperSet 3

1. Skull Crushers

2. DB Kick Back

3. Alternating Single Leg Jump Rope Right Leg

4. Alternating Single Leg Jump Rope Left Leg


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 6, Alternating Partners Every :20

– Devils Press (35/20 | 15/12 | Up Down)


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