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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday to Nick Turner! You’ve made significant improvements since starting at Perpetual! You have such a great attitude everytime you’re in! Have a great birthday!


Metcon (Time)

Option 1.

1 Mile Run or Row, together

100 Skull Crushers 45/35

85 Barbell Curls 55/40

70 Shoulder Press 65/45

55 SDHP 75/55

40 Good Mornings 85/60

25 Thrusters 95/65

10 Curtis P’s (115/80)

1 Mile Run or Row, together

Option 2.

1200m Run or Row, together

100 Skull Crushers 35/25

85 Barbell Curls 40/30

70 Shoulder Press 45/35

55 SDHP 55/40

40 Good Mornings 60/45

25 Thrusters 65/55

10 Curtis P’s 80/60

1200m Run or Row, together

800m Run or Row, together

100 Skull Crushers 25/15

85 Barbell Curls 30/20

70 Shoulder Press 35/25

55 SDHP 40/30

40 Good Mornings 45/35

25 Thrusters 55/40

10 Curtis P’s 60/45

800m Run or Row, together


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