Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event



Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday to Paige Rodriquez! You have already come to far in the time you’ve been here! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful birthday!

Happy Anniversary to Tina Ramishvili! You always come in with a positive attitude, ready to take on any workout! Big things are coming for you!

REMINDER: Squat Clinic THIS SATURDAY after the WOD! This will focus on fundamental knowledge and biomechanics of the squat as well as its relationship to performance/pain. You will learn self assessment techniques and how the type of squat, mobility, and neuromuscular control at the individual level will impact their performance/pain. We look forward to seeing you whether your goal is a new PR or to simply move with less pain!

Thank you to those that have already given us wonderful reviews! Reminder: We are looking for testimonials and we appreciate your time so we are throwing in incentives!
– Any google review enters you in a chance to win $50 Perpetual Bucks
– Any Facebook review enters you in a chance to win $25 Perpetual Bucks
– Any video testimonial gets you an automatic $20 Perpetual Bucks. If you want to schedule a time for a video testimonial, email our integral intern Jacob at!


Bench Press (20 minutes to build to 3RM)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Option 1.


10 Renegade Rows (50/35)

400m Run

10 TTB

Option 2.


10 Renegade Rows (35/20)

200m Run

10 Knees to Elbows

Option 2.


10 Renegade Rows (20/15)

100m Run

10 Knees to Waist


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free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

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Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!

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