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Hold Out

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy 1 year anniversary to Ann Jenkins! You have made tremendous improvements since you started at Perpetual and only more to come! Keep up the great work!


One partner works while the other partner performs a static hold. The partner in the Hold is the pacesetter—once they come out of the hold the partners switch places, picking up where the other left off.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

*TEAMS OF 2-3*


10 KB Box Step-ups (52/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)

15 Goblet Squats

*1 partner works while one partner holds a Lunge Step | Wall Sit | 1/2 Squat

-2 min rest-


10 Barbell Sit-ups (65/45 | 45/35 | 35/25)

15 Shoulder Press

*1 partner works while one partner holds a Handstand | Wall Climb | Plank Hold

-2 min rest-


10 HRPU | Banded | Elevated

15 Ring Rows

*1 partner works while one partner holds a Dead Hang.


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