Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to Mary Tansky! The 7:30am class and Perpetual would not be the same without you! You bring smiles and great energy with you every time you’re in! We hope your day is as wonderful as you!
Overhead Squat (4×4 @ 77.5% , 1xAMRAP @ 77.5%)
Deadlift (5×5 @ 70%, 1xAMRAP @ 70%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 3, Relay Style:
10m DB Lunges in as few steps as possible (AFSAP)
OPTION 1: SA OH Lunges (50/35)
OPTION 2: SA Front Rack Lunges + 1 Step Between (35/20)
OPTION 3: SA Suitcase Lunges + 2 Steps Between (20/15)
*For every 1 step taken, complete 2 BFSU and 3 Air Squats*
**Example: if it takes you 6 steps, complete 12 BFSU and 18 Air Squats before you can lunge again**