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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday to Tina Whittington! You bring such good energy and a good attitude with you every time you’re in! You’ve done so much to enhance and add value to Perpetual and we are so grateful for you! Have a wonderful day today!

Our leadership capacity is limited to the amount of adversity we have successfully overcome.
We can only endure what we have trained for, in fitness and in life. We can’t expect more of anything until we have shown we are capable of handling it. It’s a beautiful thing to want more from yourself and others, but it’s foolish to expect it to come without friction and discomfort.

When times are tough, reframe it….Is the situation happening to you? Or is it just the necessary training you need to get to where you want to go?


Pick a squat and get stronger!

1×5 @ 50%

1×3 @ 60%

1×2 @ 70%

1×1 @ 75%

1×1 @ 80%

1xME @ 85%

Overhead Squat (1xME @ 85%)

Front Squat (1xME @ 85%)

Back Squat (1xME @ 85%)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Option 1.


Max Unbroken Back Squats (135/95)

Equal Reps of V-ups

Option 2.


Max Unbroken Back Squats (95/65)

Equal Reps of SL V-ups

Option 3.


Max Unbroken Back Squats (65/45)

Equal Reps of Bicycle Crunches (2ct)
*Score is total number of back squats completed. You get one :03 pause at the top per set.



3 rounds

20 KB Side Bends per side

20 Hanging Knee Raise

20 Banded Crunches


5 sets of Band Assisted Chin-ups (underhand)

Set 1: 20 Band Assisted Chin-ups

Set 2: 10 Bodyweight chin ups or 5 Negatives :05

Set 3: 15 Band Assisted Chin-ups

Set 4: 1 Bodyweight or Assisted: half rep from the bottom into 1 full rep x 10 times thru (1/2+Full=1)

Set 5: 10 Band Assisted into 5 Bodyweight or Negatives, directly into Max Effort band assisted reps.

Notes: Rest 2 Minutes Between sets. Note band assistance. Scale needed.

B. Landmine T-Bar Row

Set 1: 20 Reps

Set 2: 15 Reps

Set 3: 12 Reps

Set 4: Half Rep from the bottom into 1 full rep 7 times each

Set 5: 10 Reps into a 10 second hold at the top into 9 reps into a 9 second hold at the top into 8 reps into an 8 second hold at the top etc.. all the way down to 1 rep into a 1 second hold. Use a moderate weight.

Notes: Rest 2 Minutes between sets. Try to increase weight each set.


A. 10 Rounds:

100m Sprint

*Rest :60 between sets.


A. Barbell Good Morning (standing)


B. EMOM 10

5-8 Strict pull-ups

*Complete your movements with assistance as necessary, and then rest the remainder of the minute. Make sure you fully lock out at the bottom to ensure full range of motion. Partial range of motion means partial results. Be sure to keep good notes on your performance.

KB Side Bends per side:

Hanging Knee Raise:

Banded Crunches:

Landmine T-Bar Row:


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