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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday to Stephen Kim! You have made such advancements in your fitness since starting at Perpetual and always come in ready to work! Keep up the great work and have an amazing day!


Metcon (Time)

Option 1. (20 total rounds)

20-19-18-17-16….1 reps of:


1-2-3-4…..20 reps of:

Suitcase Sit-ups

*After every round complete 10 shuttle sprints, 10m

Option 2. (16 total rounds)

18-17-16….3 reps of:

Knee Push-ups

3-4-5…..18 reps of:


*After every round complete 8 shuttle sprints, 10m

Option 3. (12 total rounds)

16-15-14….5 reps of:

Incline Push-ups

5-6-7…..16 reps of:


*After every round complete 6 shuttle sprints, 10m
Each round consists of 21 reps, plus shuttle sprints. Example:

Round 1:

20 pushups

1 Suitcase Sit-ups

10 Shuttle Sprints, 10m

Round 2:

19 Push-ups

2 Suitcase Sit-ups

10 Shuttle Sprinter, 10m


Round 20:

1 Push-up

20 Suitcase Sit-ups

10 Shuttle Sprints, 10m


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