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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Anniversary to Gregg Korponic! The shoeless phenom! You are an awesome guy and we love your appreciation and dedication for fitness. Thanks for always being friendly and upbeat. Looking forward to another great year Double G!

Golf outing is at 2PM at Royal Crest! We will have burgers, hot dogs, bud light, some purple stuff, and sunny D. You can play or ride along and cheer. Then out after to celebrate some birthdays!


Metcon (Time)

**Teams of 2**

Option 1.

3 Rounds

200m Run or Row

400m Run or Row

600m Run or Row

**Each partner runs/rows the 200, 400, and 600 all 3 rounds. While one is running or rowing, the other partner completes 1 set of as many unbroken Double-unders as possible.

Option 2.

3 Rounds

100m Run or Row

200m Run or Row

400m Run or Row

**Each partner runs/rows the 100, 200, and 400 all 3 rounds. While one is running or rowing, the other partner completes 1 set of as many mountain climbers as possible (2ct).

Option 2.

3 Rounds

50m Run or Row

100m Run or Row

200m Run or Row

**Each partner runs/rows the 50, 100, and 200 all 3 rounds. While one is running or rowing, the other partner completes 1 set of as many single-unders as possible.
For every rep completed, subtract 1 second from your time.


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