Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


After Party

Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen


Metcon (Time)

Teams of 2 (40 Minute Cap)


KB Renegade Rows

MB Jump Squats

Y Ring Rows

400m MB Run


King Kong’s

Bird-Dog Push Ups

Single Arm Ring Rows (each arm)

400m MB Run


Battle Rope Snakes

Tricep Ring Rows

DB Clean n Jerk

400m MB Run


Single Leg MB Hip Pop Up (each leg)

DB Hammer Curls

MB Plank Jacks

400m MB Run

P1: Completes reps for one full movement

P2: Weighted Wall Sit (KB/DB)

Switch once P1 completes one movement

** Both Partners will complete a 400m MB run after they complete one whole circuit. (1 Med Ball per group)


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