Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
SAVE THE DATE: 6th Annual Cindy for Cindy Saturday June 29th, 2019!
Lots to do tomorrow! Please come in on time and prepared…
You will need to know your 1 rep Max or Projected 1 Rep Max Back Squat, as well as:
-80% of that number.
This information is in Wodify if you have been recording your efforts. If you do not yet have any data, you will after this session!
Back Squat (8×3 @ 80%, every :90)
*As many reps as possible on the last set
Warm-up Sets:
9 @ 50%
6 @ 60%
3 @ 70%
Common Curtisy (3 Rounds for time)
Option 1.
3 Rounds, each for time of:
21/18 Cal Row
15 Burpee 180’s
9 Curtis P’s (95/65)
*Begin a new round every 4:00.
Curits P: Squat Clean + Front Rack Lunge Right Leg + Front Rack Lunge Left Leg + Push Press
Option 2.
3 Rounds, each for time of:
15/12 Cal Row
9 Burpees
6 Curtis P’s (75/55)
*Begin a new round every 4:00.
Curtis P: Power Clean + Front Rack Lunge Right Leg + Front Rack Lunge Left Leg + Push Press
Option 3.
3 Rounds, each for time of:
12/9 Cal Row
9 Up Downs
6 DB Curtis P’s (15’s / 12’s)
*Begin a new round every 4:00.
Curtis P: Hang Power Clean + Suitcase Lunge Right Leg + Suitcase Lunge Left Leg + Push Press