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Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Rounds / 1:00 rest between rounds

S1: 12 DB Flies -> Max Burpees (60 seconds)

S2: 12 Pull Ups -> Max Crossbody Mtn. Climbers (60 seconds)

S3: 12 BB Curls -> Max Lying Leg Raises (60 seconds)

S4: 12 DB Skull Crushers -> Max Jump Lunges (60 seconds)

2:00 Rest


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

TABATA 4 (:20 on / :10 off)

Broad Jumps to Fast Feet

Single Leg Push Ups (alternating)

Jump Squats


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