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Body Armor

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday Nicole D’Amico AKA Nikki D AKA The Machine!! We appreciate you helping us all level up from your amazing commitment and consistency! You make others around you sharper and stronger! Hope it’s an awesome year!

Andddd Happy Birthday to James Brown V AKA TheOtherJamesBrown (IG) AKA the Tall Handsome Drink of Water! You’re a great athlete and an awesome guy! Thanks for always bringing in the jokes and wit along with getting the job done! We appreciate you! Happy birthday man!


Metcon (Time)

**TEAMS OF 2-3**

For time:

400m | 300m | 200m Run or Row

300 Wall Balls (20/14 | 14/12 | Air Squats)

400m | 300m | 200m Run or Row

200 DB Floor Press (50/35 | 35/20 | 20/15)

400m | 300m | 200m Run or Row

100 Chin-ups | Banded | Barbell Curls

400m | 300m | 200m Run or Row
-Run/row as a unit

-While 1 partner is completing reps, the other partner is maintaining a static hold (below)

-When 1 partner rests, both must rest. 5 Burpee penalty if one partner is working while the other is resting.

Wall Balls >> Wall Sit

DB Floor Press >> Plank Hold

Chin-ups >> Dead Hang or Gun Walk Hold


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