Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to one of the OG’s JoAnn Farwell!! It has been a pleasure having you apart of this family. We hope you have the best day ever JoAnn!!
Also, we want to congratulate Judson Forner on being with us for 2 YEARS!!! It has been one hell of a ride as well as an honor having you in Jud!!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Line Drills ( w/ Med Ball)
2 Rounds
A.) Light Jog Down n Back w/ Med Ball
B.) Jumping Jacks –> Up Downs
2 Rounds
A.) Lateral Shuffle w/ Med Ball
B.) 8/8 Single Leg Glute Bridges –> Toy Soldiers
1 Round
A.) High Knees
B.) Stiff Leg DL w/ Med Ball
1 Round
A.) Butt Kickers
B.) Wall Ball Toss w/ NO Squat
400m Jog
So….how’s your cardio when you add a heavy bar to the mix? Today we answer that question by having you mix traditional cardio with heavy deadlifts! One of my favorite combinations: for the runners, the deadlift will be a challenge; and for the lifters the run will surely take a toll. This workout is meant to expose deficiencies….you are only as fit as your weakest link!!
Come get better today, no excuses!
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
21 Deadlifts (#245/#165)
800m Run
Metcon (No Measure)
NOT FOR TIME (NFT) w/ Partner
3 Rounds for Quality
5 Partner Glute Ham Raises (or Tempo Good Mornings)
10 Partner Leg Throws
20 Synchro Plate Jumps