Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


Finally Famous

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

80’s night is tomorrow (Friday) at 6:30pm in replace of/acting as Oxygen! Come dressed in your best 80’s attire (or come as you are!) and get some fitness while you rock to some classics.

Side note: 4:30pm and 5:30pm CrossFit will be combined into a 5pm CrossFit class for this day only!!

Val and Melissa M (Messy Fit) have a nostalgic playlist and a BA workout for you! Should be quite a party!

Also, The Dark Room Bar next door will be having a 90s night the same day, so plan on crashing their party afterwards!


Back Squat (E3MOM x 5)

12 Tempo Back Squats, climbing (3-second lower, 3-second raise)

*Looking for moderately-light loads

immediately into..

20 fast reps of

Banded Sissy Squats


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Option 1.

15-minute clock:

1-mile run or row

Then, in the remaining time:


7 SDHP (95/65)

7 Front Squats

7 Push Jerk

Option 2.

15-minute clock:

1200m run or row

Then, in the remaining time:


7 SDHP (65/45)

7 Front Squats

7 Push Jerk

Option 3.

15-minute clock:

800m run or row

Then, in the remaining time:


7 SDHP (45/35)

7 Front Squats

7 Push Jerk


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