Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
P1: 10/8 Cal Row
P2: Plank (switch when P1 finishes row, then keep switching back and forth for duration of amrap)
(both partners)
:60 (L/R) Wall Chest Stretch
:60 Toe Touch (seated with active core)
Activation (P1 on press, P2 on RDL, then switch each round):
2 rounds
5/5 Single Leg RDL (empty barbell)
5 Tempo Floor Press (empty barbell); :02 down / :01 up
It doesn’t get any more Old School than this! Today we have a classic combo of lower body pull and upper body push with the triple OG’s of strength training: Deadlifts + Floor Press! These will be performed as a superset (move from DL directly into FP), both with a tempo of 3-0-0-1
Deadlift (3×8, across)
Tempo: Lift off ground, hold for 1 second @ top, 3 second lower to floor, explode back up.
: Floor Press (3×8, across)
Tempo: Lower for 3 seconds to chest, 0 seconds @ bottom, explode back up, hold for 1 second at top.
**Rest before going back to DL**
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
16 DBL KB Deadlifts (53/35)
12 HR Push Ups
8 DBL Russian KBS