Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO NAOMI WILLIAMS! It’s been so much fun watching you grow this past year! You always come in with a smile, great attitude, and ready to work! Keep up the great work, big things to come!
FOUR LOKO (4 Rounds for reps)
1.) 2x every 4:00
Row 500/400m | 400/300m | 300/200m
MAX BFSU | Reverse Crunch | Crunch
– 1:00 Rest –
2.) 2x every 4:00
Run 400 | 200 | 100 m
MAX Partner Tire Flips (Big | Medium | Plate)
– 1:00 Rest –
3.) 2x every 4:00
Row 500/400m | 400/300m | 300/200m
MAX Push-Ups (Strict | Banded | Banded & Knees)
– 1:00 Rest –
4.) 2x every 4:00
Run 400 | 200 | 100 m
MAX Pull-Ups (Strict | Strict Banded | Jumping)
Score is total number of
Sit-ups, Tire Flips, Push-Ups & Pull-Ups