Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen
Warm-up (No Measure)
30 Seconds / Movements
Straight Leg kicks
Boot Strappers
– 10 second transition
High Knees
Knee to Chest
– 10 second transition
Side Lunge / each side
Plank Walks
– 10 second transition
Crab Walk
Single Leg Hip Pop Ups / each side
1 Minute Each Side
Pigeon Stretch
Cobra Pose
Couch Stretch
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
1:00 stations || 3 Rounds AMRAP
S1: Max Double Squats Wall Balls
S2: Max Cal Row
S3: Max Strict Press (45/35)
S4: Max Alt. Lunge w/ plate to box step over (35/25)
S5: rest