Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event



Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

We want to congratulate the AMAZING Brooke Simerka for being with us for a WHOLE YEAR!!!

You have been nothing but amazing and hard working every time you come in! It has been a honor to be able to coach you as well be apart of your fitness journey for one year! One year down, MANY MANY more to go!!! Keep it up Brooke!!


Metcon (Time)

“Triple 3”

Option 1.

For Time:

– 3000m Row

– 300 Double Unders

– 3 Mile Run

Option 2.

For Time:

– 2000m Row

– 100 Double Unders

– 2 Mile Run

Option 3.

For Time:

– 1000m Row

– 100 Tuck Jumps

– 1 Mile Run


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free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

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