Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Perpetual Fitness Golf Outing Saturday, September 7th @ Royal Crest Golf Club in Columbia Station.
Tee-offs will start at 2PM. More info coming soon!
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In teams of 2-5 with only one athlete per station, rotate thru to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes.
Station 1: 10 Devil Presses (35/20 | 20/15 | 15/12)
Station 2: 15 Power Snatches (95/65 | 65/45 | 45/35)
Station 3: 20 V-ups | SL V-up | Toe Reaches
Station 4: 25 KBS (52/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)
Station 5: Rest | Rest | Rest