Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Congrats to the coolest dude ever and one of our very own coaches Brandon Wilson on being with us for 2 YEARS!! it has been a pleasure to have someone like you on the team! You know your stuff and are always willing to help anyone in the gym at any moment! We appreciate you!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Part A:
With a light medicine ball and a partner, perform:
1. Partner rotations throws x 5 each side (face partner, keep hips square, rotate and toss)
2. Chest passes x 5 per person
3. Overhead passes (think soccer throw-in) x 5 per person
Then, 2 rounds each partner of:
1. Partner 1: 10 air squats
2. Partner 2: Up-downs
*Switch when partner 1 is done with squats
Then, 1 round of:
1. Wall Ball Passes x 10 each partner (full squat + toss to partner)
*Put Med Balls away exactly as you found them and grab an empty barbell for Part B!
Thruster (12:00 RUNNING CLOCK)
Build to a Heavy 2 Rep Thruster
-Make intentional builds, lifting about every 2 minutes (accumulate 5-6 sets)
-If heavy is not in the cards for today, no stress! Focus on moving well.
Kalsu (Time)
For Time:
100 Thrusters, 135# / 95#
*Perform 5 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute*
In honor of LT Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970)
To learn more about Kalsu click here
20-min cap; workout starts with burpees.
*Hopefully you are well rested and ready to rock because today we have a brutal combo of thrusters and burpees….in fact, some in the CrossFit circle consider this the hardest workout ever!
Have no fear, we have plenty of scaling options and/or variations (including Wall Ball Kalsu and partner Kalsu) to make sure everyone gets the exact workout they need today!
We don’t hide from anything around here!!