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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. 3 rounds

– 1 min row or Bike

– 6/6 single leg KB RDL

– 12 KB glute bridges

– :15/:15 single arm single leg KB Plank

– (see below!)

– 1 min single-unders


B. Alternating Tabata (:20 on/:10 off for 8 min)

1. Box Step-Ups (increase height each interval, use plates as needed)

2. Round 1: Singles / R2: high singles / R3: double under attempts / R4: double-unders or attempts again


Metcon (Time)

6 sets

20/15 Cal Bike or Row

12 Tall Step-Ups (30/24)

50 Double-Unders

*1-min rest between sets
Goal is to maintain same time for all rounds!


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