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Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen


Metcon (Time)

E7MOM x 4 rounds

400m run

30 DB Goblet Squats

20 Burpee DB Swing

10 Pull Up/Ring Rows

*Your Rest is anytime left on the clock within 7 minute. Score will be fastest round. *

2:00 rest
*Burpee DB Swing will be completed by keeping DB in hand as you burpee then come up and use legs/hips to drive DB to eye level…Switch arms every 5–10 reps*


Metcon (No Measure)

2 rounds

1minute: plank w/ plate

1minute: bear crawl

1minute: plank w/ plate

1minute: crab walks

1minute: Rest
*Plate will be put on your back*


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