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Dr. Quinn

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday to the Super-Athlete Ken Dorsett!! You’re such a blessing to this place and bring so much wisdom and grit! Hope it’s an awesome day and year ahead for you!


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

**TEAMS OF 2-3**

33-Minute Clock:

(Synchronized or alternating reps, one partner holds MB at all times)

5:00 Synchro MB Run or Row

4:00 Alternating Kneeling MB Chest Pass, 10ft

3:00 Synchro MB Sit-ups

2:00 Syncro OH MB Lunges

5:00 Rest

2:00 Syncro OH MB Lunges

3:00 Syncro MB Sit-ups

4:00 Alternating Wall Balls

5:00 Synchro 100m MB Run or Row

*10 synchronized burpees anytime MB touches floor
ALL synchronized movements count as 2 reps (1 per athlete), including burpee penalty.

Male MB Weight: 20 | 14 | 12

Female MB Weight: 14 | 12 | 10

Run/Row: 100m = 1 rep each partner


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