Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to the AMAZING Deanna Liccardi!!
Deanna, we love having you in the gym and you always come with your A game! We hope you have the best day ever!
Metcon (Time)
Option 1:
1200m Run, together
200 Wall Balls (20/14)
200 Reverse Fly (20/15)
200 KB SDHP (1.5/1)
200 Barbell Curls (45/35)
200 MB Situps (20/14)
1200m Run, together
Option 2:
800m Run, together
150 Air Squats
150 Reverse Fly (15/12)
150 KB SDHP (35/26#)
150 DB Curls (20/15)
200 Reverse Crunch
800m Run, together
*Partners alternate every 25 reps. While one partner works, the other partner Jumps: double-unders (or DU practice), box jump overs, broad jumps, jumping jacks, jump squats, etc.