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November Athlete of the Month + More!

Welcome Back!

Hey Dan, I’m grateful to have you back! We’ve had a pretty busy November so far. This newsletter, we want to highlight what makes Perpetual Fitness more than just a gym. Stay tuned for information on upcoming workouts!

Athlete Spotlight

We have so many incredible athlete’s here at Perpetual Fitness, why not show them off!
Our first Athlete Spotlight is Nicole Cook. Let’s learn a little more about her:

Q: What is your occupation?
A: I’m a 3rd grade teacher at Alfred A Benesch in Cleveland.

Q: What made you decide to check out Perpetual Fitness?
A: Meg Murphy! I asked her about gym options and she told me straight up! I have to give credit to Anthony Biondillo from Balanced Bodywork Clinic, too – he was adjusting my back one day and when I told him I wanted personal training, he dragged me (literally) next door to meet Dan.

Q: What are 3 things you are truly grateful for?
A: My fiance, my family and my job.

Q: What changes in your health, physique, and overall performance have you seen since starting CrossFit?
A: First off, I’ve dropped around 10 pounds since starting at Perpetual Fitness in April. Second, I can lift way more now than I thought I would ever be able to in my life. Third, I overall feel better about myself both physically and mentally.

Q: What are you most proud of?
A: The opportunities that have opened up to me since I started in Cleveland Metro Schools. I see big plans for my future!

Q: What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect?
A: I’ve definitely gained more self confidence in the past seven months than I have in my 28 years on Earth. Plus, I’ve gained so many friends out of this gym that I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Thank you to everyone who came to last Saturday’s workout! We had over 70 people come to be a part of “Jordan’s Squad.” Shout-out to Sammy for writing such an awesome workout, and a big thanks to Mary Lou Kula for the great pictures! More pictures can be found on our Perpetual Fitness Member’s Page. #StrongerTogether

November Notables

Isabel Variation: Wednesday, November 15th

Running Chipper: Tuesday, November 21st

5rm Power Clean: Tuesday, November 28th

Our yoga schedule for the rest of November is set – come join us on Sunday’s to recover from a long week and to prepare for the week ahead!

November 19th @ 10:00 AM
November 26th @ 6:00 PM

Jingle Bell Run

Together we can make a difference in the lives of more than 50 million Americans, including 300,000 children, who face the daily challenges of the nations #1 cause of disability: arthritis.

Get in the spirit this holiday season! Join our team, tie bells to your shoes, dress in a festive costume and raise funds to help cure arthritis!

Join The Team Here!

Keep on Sharing!

I love hearing about all of your wins, whether it’s a new PR on a strength component, a promotion, or an engagement! If you haven’t shared anything yet or have news you want to share, fill this quick form out and we can feature the news in our upcoming newsletters:

Share Your Wins By Clicking Here!


To Your Success,


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