Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


No pain, no gain!

Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen


Metcon (Time)

DB Circuit / 40 Min. Cap

2 Rounds

30 Pile Squats

20 DB Row

20 DB Step Up

1 Lap Around the Building

2 Rounds

30 DB Seated Shoulder Press

20 Seated Tricep Extension

20 DB Step Up

1 Lap Around the Building

2 Rounds

30 Standing DB Cross Chest Curl

20 Cross Bench Pullover

20 DB Step Up

1 Lap Around the Building
Your score will be the time it takes you to finish this WOD or if you do not finish within the cap, your score will be the total reps completed!

**1 Lap around the building counts for 10 reps


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