Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


Personal Check

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

REMINDER: No Yoga on Sunday….will be doing ROMWOD instead @ 10AM.

Also Open Gym Sunday Morning 8AM! We will programming an optional workout for you in Wodify for Sundays, or you can work on weaknesses, skill-work, strength, whatever you’d like! Please sign up (these do count toward your attendance)!


Metcon (Time)


4 Person Teams (2 male, 2 female)

For time:

200 SDHP (75/55)

200 Ground to Overhead w/ Plate

200 Wall Balls

200 Russian KBS (1.5/1)

200 V-ups

*Must accumulate 2000m Plate Carry (45/25) before workout is complete
**Each team has one 45# plate and one 25# plate, neither of which can touch the ground at any point during the workout (20 burpee penalty for all team members)**


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

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