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Positive Choices

What choices today, will help you tomorrow?

Choices are made all the time whether you know it or not. In fact, some studies indicate that adults make up to 35,000 decisions per day! The decisions you make can effect in both positive and negative ways, but the more conscious and intentional we are about these decisions, the greater the likelihood they will take us in the direction we want to go.
It is when we put our mind to work and think about our actions is when progress is made.
Are your choices today getting closer to your goal? 
At Perpetual Fitness, we are constantly teaching and coaching our clients to make mindful choices. We want to know things like:
Are you eating a variety of foods that provide you the nutrition to sustain the workouts?
Are you committing to enough group fitness classes or personal training sessions per week?
What are the rituals you are adopting to keep yourself in a high-energy, healthy mental and emotional state?
Small choices build momentum. Momentum increases motivation and adherence to your gameplan–whether that is fitness-related, professional, relationships, etc. Start with what’s necessary and build from there. What choices can you make today that will help you get to where you want to be?
The World Health Organization’s recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.
A study published in the journal, JAMA Internal Medicine, asked nearly  64,000 adults the amount of time spent per week working out. The findings concluded that those who hit the recommended activity times per week had a 30 percent lower risk of dying from health related causes.
Going for these goals right off the bat can seem like a daunting task, which can likely lead to failure, particularly without a dedicated fitness professional committed to your success. 
Instead, start small by having a healthy snack, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and cooking at home…these are the “little things” that add up in a big way. It is important to challenge the mind/body connection and asking yourself if what you are doing will help you long term!
There is no straight path in life where we make the right choice for every decision. When you want to be heathy there are many options you can choose from. Whether you’re someone who enjoys Group Classes , Personal Training or loves cooking healthy foods. All these can improve your health and daily living. 
The way you make progress towards your goals starts with the choices you make.


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