Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to Rick Powis!! We are glad to have you back in the gym Rick, you haven’t missed a beat, Keep it up!!
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds
1:00 at each station for max reps:
P1: elbow plank
P2: side elbow plank, lt
P3: side elbow plank, rt
:30 rest
1:00 at each station for max reps:
P1: Ring Skull Crusher
P2: Seated Barbell Strict Press
Rest :30
1:00 at each station for max distance:
P1: Run
P2: Run
P3: Run
Rest :30
1:00 at each station for max reps:
P1: DB Suitcase Lunges
P2: DB Deadlifts
P3: KB Goblet Jump Squat
Rest :30
100 Thrusters (45/35)
*squats holds for resting team members