Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to Christina Boyko! It’s been amazing to watch you grow and finally hit movements or perfecting the ones you already have..Make it the best day ever!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
*Teams of 2-3*
12x AMRAP 3
200m | 150m | 100m Row or Run
15 KBS (52/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)
10 SA DB Hang Clean and Jerk, 5/5 (50/35 | 35/20 | 20/15)
Max Burpee Plate Snatches (45/35 | 35/25 | 25/15) in remaining time.
You go, I go format: partner 2 begins right at the 3 minute mark, while partner 1 then rests until the 6 min mark.