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Second Options

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


500m Row (Time)

Max Effort 500m Row
4:00 to complete, then directly into Part B.

Metcon (Distance)


500 | 400 | 300m Row

“Rest” 2:00 between sets.

*During your “rest” choose one movement from the exercise menu below and complete the required reps for every :01 you finish over (or under) your 500m pace from Part A.

(NOTE: Option 1 gets a :10 cushion, Option 2 gets a :05 cushion)
Choose only two movements for entire workout:

-Barbell Overhead Squat (45/35) (1 rep per :01 over/under)

-Barbell Curls (2 reps per :01)

-Single Leg V-ups (2 reps per :01)

-Bear Crawl (10m: down = 2 rep per :01)

-Broad Jumps (10m: down = 1 rep per :01)

-Shuttle Run (20m: down/back =1 rep per :01)

*score is total meters rowed.


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