Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
TUESDAY 12/13/18 @ 9PM:
Perpetual Fitness becomes 99.99% germ free, guaranteed for the next 365 days! We have hired MicroShield360 to come in and apply their revolutionary product to all of the surfaces and each piece of equipment in our gym. No, that doesn’t mean you no longer need to clean up after yourself (sorry), it just means we are taking an even more serious approach to your overall health by adding an additional layer of protection.
You can read more about this product here:
We will be providing free samples of our latest supplement (Post Wod), Post Wod! Here are the highlights of this super power:
-1:1 carb-to-protein ratio to replenish glycogen levels (restores energy while maximizing recovery and muscle building)
-BCAA’s (increase muscle protein synthesis)
-A full spectrum of joint complex (decreases inflammation)
-170 calories per serving (I bought the chocolate peanut butter surprise, delicious!)
SUNDAY 2/18/18
Yoga @ 6PM!
Push Press (5×5, across)
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
21 calories row
21 thrusters 95/65
21 Pull-ups
Rest 1-minute after each round. The idea is to not rest much during/between movements, knowing that you will have a rest coming up. Goal is less than 6 minutes per round, so modify as necessary.