Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
If you missed the baseline day for running today is a good day to complete either your 5k run, 2 mile run, or 1 mile run.
If you are not running today and missed any of the other baseline tests (5RM deadlift or 50 air squats for time) today is the day to get those in too.
Metcon (Time)
Option 1. (5k)
Run 1600m
– Rest 3:00
Run 1200m
– Rest 2:00
Run 800m
– Rest 1:00
Run 400m
Option 2. (2 mile)
Run 1200m
– Rest 3:00
Run 800m
– Rest 2:00
Run 400m
– Rest 1:00
Run 200m
Option 3. (1 mile)
Run 800m
– Rest 3:00
Run 600m
– Rest 2:00
Run 400m
– Rest 1:00
Run 200m
Use this link to prepare yourself for the pacing of the workout:
Metcon (Time)
Option 4. (if running isn’t in the cards today)
3 rounds for time of:
– 1,000-m row
– 50 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (75/55 | 45/35)
– 25 Box Jumps (24/20 | 20/16)