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Star Gazing

Perpetual Fitness – Perpetual Oxygen


Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds // :50 Work | :10 Rest/Transition

High Knees

Squat w/ Hip Rotation

Butt Kickers

Pendulum Lunges (Round 1: Left Leg, Round 2: Right Leg)

Hip Pop Ups

Plank w/ Knee to Elbow


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds

400m Run

20 Close Stance DB Front Squats

*After each round perform :45 DB OH Hold*

immediately into..

4 Rounds

400m Run

20 SGL Arm DB Wrist Rotation Floor Press

*After each rounds perform :45 DB Squat Hold
35 Minute Time Cap

– Close Stance Front Squats : 1 DB, Feet together

– Wrist Rotation Floor Press: 1 DB, Alternate however (10/Arm)

– OH & Squat Hold: 2 DB’s


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