Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


Summer Freestyle

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Alternating Rounds (:20 on / :30 off)

R1: Single Unders

R2: Alternating Strict Press (3/3)

:30 Rest

3 Alternating Rounds (:20 on / :30 off)

R1: 5 SU + 5 DU (repeat for :20)

R2: Alternating Push Press (3/3)

:30 rest

3 Alternating Rounds (:20 on / :30 off)

R1: Double Unders

R2: Alternating Push Jerk (3/3)


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds (time)

50 Double Unders

40 Abmat Sit Up

30/25 Calorie Row

10/10 Single Arm DB/KB S2OH (70/45)

**22 Minute Cap**


Pistols (20-30 Quality Reps )

Review / Skill work of the Pistol Squats!

Take the same mindset as you did for the Ring Muscle Up skill day, come in trying to get 1% better !

We will have scaling options for all skill levels!! Lets Rock Out!!!!


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