Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
12 Days of Christmas — Perpetual Style (Time)
1 Wall Climb
2 Body Blasters
3 Man Makers (50/35)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
5 Back Squats (145/100)
6 Inverted Burpee
7 Thrusters (145/100)
8 Ring Dips
9 1-arm KBS, each side (1.5/1)
10 Hand-release Push-ups
11 Curtis P’s (145/100)
12 Rope Climbs
*Complete in the same format as the song (i.e. 1 wall climb; 2 body blasters + 1 wall climb; 3 man makers + 2 body blasters + 1 wall climb; etc..)
12 Days of Christmas — Modified (Time)
1 Wall Climb
2 Burpee Pull-uos
3 Push-Ups
4 Box Jumps
5 Broad Jumps
6 Reverse Burpee
7 Wall Balls
8 Reverse Dips
9 Kettlebell Swings
10 Hand-release Push-ups
11 Goblet Squats
12 Pull-Ups