Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
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Alternatively to 20.4, you may elect to do workout B below.
Crossfit Games Open 20.4 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 in/20 in
15 clean and jerks, 95 / 65lb
30 box jumps, 24 in /20 in
15 clean and jerks, 135 / 85 lb
30 box jumps, 24 in /20 in
10 clean and jerks, 185 / 115 lb
30 single-leg squats
10 clean and jerks, 225 / 145 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 275 lb / 175 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 315 lb / 205 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
Option 2 + Masters RX
Women’s Barbell: 65-75-95-105-125-145 lb.
Men’s Barbell: 95-115-135-155-185-205 lb.
MB Step-ups 20/14lbs.
Option 3
Women’s Barbell: 35-45-65-75-85-105 lb.
Men’s Barbell: 45-65-85-105-125-145 lb.
MB Step-ups (20/16″ box; 20/14lbs MB)
“Workout B”
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Minute 1: Wall Balls
Minute 2: Burpee Pull Ups
Minute 3: Plank Hold | Hollow Hold *rotate holds every round*
Rest 2:00
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Minute 1: MB Twists (2ct)
Minute 2: Landmine SGL Arm Thrusters *Alternate each rep*
Minute 3: Wall Sit | OH Plate Hold *rotate holds every round*