Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event



Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Deadlift (10 x 5 @ 60% Every :90)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Option 1.

2 Rounds: AFSAP (as few sets as possible)

⁃1 Man Maker (50/35)

⁃8 Strict Chin-Ups

⁃27 DB Deadlifts (50/35)

⁃64 KBS (52/35)

⁃125 Double Unders

Option 2.

2 Rounds: AFSAP (as few sets as possible)

⁃1 Man Maker (35/20)

⁃8 Banded Chin-Ups

⁃27 DB Deadlifts (35/20)

⁃64 KBS (35/26)

⁃125 Tuck Jumps

Option 3.

2 Rounds: AFSAP (as few sets as possible)

⁃1 Man Maker (20/12)

⁃8 Jumping Chin-Ups

⁃27 DB Deadlifts (20/12)

⁃64 KBS (26/18)

⁃125 Single Unders
*Man Maker: With dumbbells in each hand: Push-up, Row (L), Row (R), Squat Clean, Thruster*

**Score is total sets required to complete all work, put time in comments**


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