Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
We have 2 Two year Anniversaries today!!
Happy Anniversary to Zac Melter! Its been amazing watching your fitness grow! Big things coming!!
Happy Anniversary to the Double Under Queen, Candy Curran! It’s always fun having you in class! Keep up the great work!
Happy Birthday to Michael Goedecker! It’s always a pleasure having you in! You’re always up for a challenge and trying new things! We hope you have the best day!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds, 1:00 Each Station
Option 1.
1. Weighted V-Ups (15/10)
2. 10m Shuttle Sprints (down and back = 1)
3. KB Swings (52/35)
4. Wall Balls (20/14)
5. Rest
Option 2.
1. Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10)
2. 5m Shuttle Sprints (down and back = 2)
3. KB Swings (35/26)
4. Wall Balls (14/12)
5. Rest
Option 3.
1. Weighted Toe Reach (15/10)
2. Row (10m = 1 rep)
3. KB Swings (26/18)
4. Wall Balls (12/10)
5. Rest