Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to the original Perpetual member, Laurie Siebert! Perpetual would not be the same without you and all your generosity! You are amazing!! We hope your day is as wonderful as you!
Happy 1-year anniversary to Giovanna Milano! You have grown and improved so much in the past year, and we can’t wait to see what the next year holds for you! Keep up the great work!
Deadlift (1×5 @ 50%, 1×3 @ 60%, 1×1 @ 70%, 1×10+ @ 75%)
Zercher Squat (3×5, climbing )
Metcon (Time)
Option 1.
500-400-300-200-100m Run or Row
50-40-30-20-10 BFSU
Option 2.
400-300-200-100-50m Run or Row
40-30-20-10-5 BFSU
Option 3.
5 Rounds:
100m Run or Row