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Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Congratulations to the 32 members of the Perpetual Committed Club for the month of May!! The following athletes attended class at least 15 times! Heres to another amazing month!

Affie Siddiqui
Ana T Harden
Ann Marie Hicho
Ara Kallibjian
Brandy Lewis Funni
Colton Hansen
Dan Salupo
Daphne Slawski
David Pavell
Giovanna Milano
Isa Ranganathan
Jaime Boyer
Jim Lechko
Kinjal Patel
Lindsey Myslenski
Linzy Jedrezejek
Megan Randolph
Melissa Huff
Melissa Rains
Michele Kramer
Nathan Yencho
Nakry Keeke
Naomi Williams
Nick Roth
Nikki D’Amico
Peter Hyland
Rita Fedorchuk
Samuel Quinones Jr
Shannon Eggers
Stephanie Swiderski
Teresa M Matson
Zac Melter


Metcon (Time)

33 Minute Cap

Option 1.

Run or Row 1600m

100 Double-unders or 20 DU Attempts

50 Hand-release Push-ups

Run or Row 800m

50 Hand-release Push-ups

100 Double-unders or 20 DU Attempts

Run or Row 1600m

Option 2.

Run or Row 1200m

100 High Knees

50 Banded Hand-Release Push-Ups

Run or Row 600m

50 Banded Hand-release Push-ups

100 High Knees

Run or Row 1200m

Option 3.

Run or Row 800m

100 Single Unders

50 Banded and Knee Hand-release Push-ups

Run or Row 400m

50 Banded and Knee Hand-release Push-ups

100 Single Unders

Run or Row 800m
*Compare to 6/9/2016


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