Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event



Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

We are looking for testimonials and we appreciate your time so we are throwing in incentives!
– Any google review enters you in a chance to win $50 Perpetual Bucks
– Any Facebook review enters you in a chance to win $25 Perpetual Bucks
– Any video testimonial gets you an automatic $20 Perpetual Bucks. If you want to schedule a time for a video testimonial, email our integral intern Jacob at!

June Committed Club winners are Val Welich and Tina Whittington! Congratulations ladies! You get $25 in Perpetual Bucks!


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds, 1 min rest between rounds:


– MB Cleans (20/14 | 14/12 | 12/10)

– KBS (50/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)

– Sprinter Sit-Ups | Suit Case Sit-Ups | Reverse Crunch


– MB Cleans (20/14 | 14/12 | 12/10)

– KBS (50/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)

– Sprinter Sit-Ups | Suit Case Sit-Ups | Reverse Crunch


– MB Cleans (20/14 | 14/12 | 12/10)

– KBS (50/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)

– Sprinter Sit-Ups | Suit Case Sit-Ups | Reverse Crunch


Schedule your
free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

fill out this form to get started >>

Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!

By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text messages from Perpetual Fitness