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Back and Better

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

20 DB Pullovers

20 Banded Low Rows

Rest 2:00

3 Rounds

20 Wide Grip Bentover Rows

:20 Chin-up Grip Chin Over Bar ISO Hold

Rest 2:00

3 Rounds

20 Zottsman Curls

20 Banded Curls

Rest 2:00


Metcon (Time)

Option 1.

3 Rounds:

400m Run or Row

30 Sprinter Sit-ups

20 DB Hang Cleans (50/35)

Option 2.

3 Rounds:

200m Run or 300m Row

30 Sit-ups (25 | 20)

20 DB Hang Cleans (35/20)

Option 3.

3 Rounds:

100m Run or 200m Row

30 Toe Reaches

20 DB Hang Cleans (20/15)


Metcon (No Measure)



1:00 KB/DB Side Bends, Rt side

1:00 KB/DB Side Bends, Lt side

1:00 Windshield Wipers


A. 4 Rounds:

15 Seated w/ Straight Legs Kettlebell Arnold Press w/ :03 negative:

15 B/o Single arm banded reverse fly’s:

*Rest 2:00 between sets

B. 4 Rounds

15 Bradford Press:

15 DB Lateral Raises


For time:

1 Mile run or row in :30 intervals

*30-seconds all out sprint, 30-seconds slow/recovery walk


A. Back Squat

5×3 @ 80-95% of 5RM

*this is a range to be used based on how you’re feeling on this particular day. If you’re feeling hot, load it up. Otherwise take it lighter and focus on good reps.

B. Speed Front Squats

10×3 @ 40% of 1RM

*hit depth and explode up as fast as possible.


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