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Problem Solver

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

If you navigate to the drop down menu at the top of the screen, you will notice an option for Perpetual Barbell. We received from feedback from a handful of you from the survey that stated an interest in strength-biased programming….and that is precisely what this class will offer!

Perpetual Barbell will initially be held on the personal training side of the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 6PM, as well as in the main gym on Sundays @ 9AM. The idea behind it being @ 6PM during the week, is that after an hour of lifting, you are able to jump in for the MetCon with the 6:30PM class.

We are super pumped to offer this to you guys! This is a soft launch of this program (which starts tomorrow!) and we will be expanding on it as we move forward.

Please note: This class will not have a designated coach for the time being…therefore you need to have been a member here for at least 6 months and/or test into the class. Email or text 440-533-1120 for more info!

Happy Birthday to the big man Cornez Garret!! One of the funniest / most outgoing people we know! We love having you in the gym!! Make it a great one!


Warm-up (No Measure)


10 DB Deadlifts (5/5)

20 Single-unders

**After 3 Minutes, switch to:

10 DB Power Cleans (5/side)

10 Big Jump Single-unders / Double-unders


Metcon (Time)

10 Sets for Time:

15/12 Cal Bike or Row

10 DB Power Clean (50’s/35’s)

35 Double-unders

-rest 1 min between sets-
**40-min Cap**

Today we are testing our work capacity over a longer duration with relatively low complexity movements, in a good ol’ fashion High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) style workout.

Your task is to increase your pace each set (start light, build to moderate…finish with a sprint!).


Schedule your
free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.

fill out this form to get started >>

Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!

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