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Monday 11.27.17

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Our Perpetual Christmas Party will be on Friday, December 15th @ the gym. More info coming soon!!


Bar Muscle-ups (5×3 Dead Hang Bar MU)

*Every 2:00

Some pretty advanced bar work today! By dead hang we mean we want you to complete your first, then come to a complete stop before initiating your next rep. The goal of this piece–whether you’re doing MU, C2B, or regular pull-ups–is to try and pinpoint inefficiencies in your kip!


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Box Jumps (30/24)

10m HS Walk

1 Legless Rope Climb
No weights today! We are working purely with bodyweight movements. Gymnastics movements like these are almost a prerequisite to heavy lifting. This is advanced stuff and that’s ok! As always, we have plenty of scaling options…the goal is to have a great workout for YOU while also getting a little better at something!


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