Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Our latest and most anticipated apparel collection has finally dropped!! Please get your orders in ASAP! Due to demand and the standard turnaround time I want to get you guys your stuff QUICKLY!
Back Squat (3×5, across)
*find the last time you did a set of 5 and either maintaint that weight for all 3 sets or add 2.5-5#.
Metcon (Time)
Option 1.
21-15-9 reps of:
*400m Run before each round
Option 2
21-15-9 reps of:
Decreased ROM or Box HSPU
Banded Pull-Ups
*300m Run before each round
Option 3
21-15-9 reps of:
Push Press (65/45)
Jumping Pull-ups
*400m Row or 200m Run before each round