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Mumbo Jumbo

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

We have just completed 5 weeks of testing/re-testing benchmarks, so we will take 2 weeks to catch our breath!

The first half of September will focus more on fun workouts and less on testing or benchmarks. In the second half of the month, we will move into 4-5 weeks of an Olympic Lifting Cycle while also revisiting some of the most notable CrossFit Open workouts. After we build and test, we will work over the course of 3 months toward building capacity and sharpening skills for the 2019 Open!


Back Rack Lunge (3×12 (6 each leg))

-Rest 1:30 Between Sets-

*Perform at same, moderate load across all 3 sets.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 Rounds:

Max Unbroken DB Power Cleans (50/35)

Rest 1:00

Max Unbroken Suitcase Lunges (50/35)

Rest 1:00

1:00 Max Unbroken KB Swings (1.5/1)

Rest 1:00
*Score total cumulative reps over all 3 rounds


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